LCI Security

Less burden, more security

Origin Story

LCI Security was founded to provide strategic and tactical security consulting services to small business across the country. We focus on identifying strategies that will provide the highest return on investment for your business. Our founder, Stephen Haywood, has over 20 years of experience in information technology and over 15 years of experience in cybersecurity. Stephen has worked as a software developer, system and network administrator, security auditor, penetration tester, security engineer, and security leader for businesses large and small across multiple verticals.

Strategic Services

Data is the life blood of a business and the consequences of not protecting that data can be catastrophic. In today's world, every business needs a cybersecurity strategy that focuses on enabling business growth while also ensuring the safety of its data. Whether you're a startup making your first security hire, a growing business that needs a security roadmap, or a mature business that wants to validate your existing security program, LCI Security can help.

Tactical Service

Strategy without implementation has no value and our tactical services are designed to ensure your implementation is secure. Whether you are trying to implement a new service, build a new feature, or roll out a new security control, LCI Security can support you from design to deployment.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss how LCI Security can help you with your strategic or tactical security challenges, please email us.